reviewed: Revisionist History
Crisis in girls sports?
There’s no other crisis in girls sports right now? Really? This would be laughable if it weren’t so delusional. But at least we fix bun huggers, crop tops and male coaches before dudes take over all your sports.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
Your average “popular” historical/political podcast: gay and marxist slants everywhere
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
Change your mind
I love Malcolm’s work, prose and though provoking dialogue. As a conservative, libertarian, humanitarian, he helps me see things from different perspectives and change my mind. Keep rolling it out Gladwell, I’ll read and listen to it all.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
Learn something today
Great show. Play one episode and the next thing you know you’ve been listening all day. Malcom’s a Rock Star!
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
You lost me..
Malcolm you lost the debate because the other side had the facts that night and you and Michelle were pushing propaganda and straw men and racial nonsense. Have you not seen what’s happened to the media the last 10yrs but especially the last 3 since Floyd? The lies, the hoaxes, the propaganda, the gaslighting, on and on and on and on. Someone as smart as you- that debate has been so extremely disappointing for me. I’ve read most of your books and to see that you’re a believer in all of the propaganda….honestly, it’s like having a bad experience with an actor you used to love. I look at you completely different now and it’s a bummer.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
The latest episode on debate, Gladwell completely lies about what someone else said. Extremely disappointing.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
A delight
Plant-based as opposed to petroleum-based, 5 stars though
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
I loved this podcast BUT
I refer to the podcast SO much, but calling season 8 a “season” is a stretch, as it does not feel like RH at all. It just feels like some fillers interviews without a real purpose, which is fine, I guess if I wasn’t used to the amazingness of RH prior.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
A Michael Specter skeptic
While there are always agendas behind Malcom’s podcasts, I rarely consider them naïve. The sharing of Michael Spector‘s book cross that line for me. To suggest that the crisis of faith in government, authority, and science in America today can somehow be compared to a similar crisis in the 1940s is absurd. Not only are the citizens of modern America far more informed about both the good and the bad our government has done to ourselves and others, we are also well aware of the sources of funding that back scientific inquiry. When corporate greed and government corruption pays for your science, trust is nowhere in the room. Until the funding and agenda problem is solved, the best you can hope for as a scientist is a healthy cynicism or skepticism of the nature of your results. The 1940s and 50s are over. This episode was hopelessly naïve.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
First 7 seasons fantastic
Huge fan of Malcolm Gladwell. If you like his books, you’ll generally like this podcast. He has such an inquisitive mind and can make just about anything interesting. The first seven seasons of this show are thought provoking and interesting. Season 8, at least so far, is a tremendous bore. It’s just not even mildly entertaining. I highly recommend the first 7 seasons of this show, and just skipping Season 8, as it is different in kind from what preceded it.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
One of the best podcasts ever
Seriously! Revisionist takes you to places and ideas you may never have otherwise considered, with facts and interviews and humor and it's all wonderful.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
What does it mean that you’ve been to Alabama TWICE? 🤔 Alabama is a place with real people. Why is your attendance there significant? Tour mentioning this implies something- please explain.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
What was that about?
I just listened to the show with Maria K. I wasn’t sure what the point of this episode was. Just as I was about to turn it off, Malcolm brought up his issue with violence in our entertainment industry. This has been a pet peeve of mine for years. How can the Hollywood progressives continue to kill so many people on screen and cry for gun control? Oh, it’s the money. I keep forgetting that it’s all about the money. I don’t watch shows that have senseless killing anymore. Enough! I see it on the nightly news. Anyway, I was disappointed that Malcolm didn’t dig deep into this issue. Maybe he’s saving it for another episode.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
4 episodes into Season 8 of Revisionist History, and I have yet to hear an episode of Revisionist History this season. This was my favorite podcast- the unique podcast that got me into podcasts- and it’s suddenly just another weekly interview pod.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
Well put together every episode, interesting and captivating from start to finish.
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
Here we go again
Another season where MG makes stuff up, and confirms ithe truth of the made up premise by ending all supportive statements with the word “right” like all Illuminati of his type (tho he’s the undisputed champion). Malcom: the word “right” is powerful. It has meaning. It cannot be used to confirm a made up premise. Most recently see: Malcom’s proclamation that a story is only a story if it has irony (aka “betrays” the listener). Otherwise it’s just an anecdote. In fact there are many many many examples of wonderful stories that do not depend on irony. Irony is a device used by some story tellers. It is not the sine qua non of the definition of a story, right? I listen to this podcast to sharpen my analytical thinking skills. To do that one needs to take every fantastical declaration of the frolicking mind of MG and examine it closely. Above all - suspect the foulest of foul play whenever one of his declarations is punctuated by the pernicious scoundrel of the word “right,”
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
Have an interview with Dr. Jordan PetersonTalk more about law
Reviewed on Apple Podcastsreviewed: Revisionist History
The episode Tempest in a Teacup should be called Reductionist History. Sure, the entire point of the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution… was all so a bunch of cosplaying thugs could carry on with their tea smuggling operation. That’s it, everyone. Their ideas were no more profound than that. The resulting nation was all fortunate coincidence. 😂😂😂
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